Trio of Events Keeps Fort Collins Green, Safe and Loving
Hazardous Waste In FoCO
Do you have less than ten minutes on Saturday, September 8 between 9 AM and 3 PM? Then you have the chance to recycle some household hazardous waste!
At 9 AM Saturday, the City of Fort Collins is hosting a hazardous waste drive to help residents get rid of things like household batteries (who knew right?!), paint and pesticides, fluorescent lighting, cleaning and auto products, and other items that previously, you didn’t know what to do with, so you just threw it away.
This event has gone on for nearly eight years now, pulling in a yearly average of around a thousand individuals. Last year alone, around 107,886 pounds of hazardous waste materials came in through these events.

Event Attendance Since 2010. Provided by the City of Fort Collins
Please note that there are items that cannot be accepted. For a full list of what can and cannot be accepted, please visit the links below.
Don’t forget, there are hazards to transporting hazardous waste. Keep items in a tight, confined tub and store them upright. Keep them tightly sealed, away from children and pets, and do not mix chemicals. For more information, click the links below.
Please take your items to the City of Fort Collins Streets Facility at 625 Ninth Street. Typical wait time is less than ten minutes, depending on how much you have to turn in.
Open Streets, Ride the Route
It would be easy to just quit saving the world after donating all your hazardous household waste on Saturday the 8th. But! The world could use some more saving, through the Open Streets event in Fort Collins.
The idea here is to get people out to ride the streets of Fort Collins. During the event, the route is closed to through traffic, and the streets are safe for families to Ride the Route and attend other family friendly activities.
Created initially by the Canadian non-profit 8 80 Cities, this project aims to bring peoples’ well-being into focus by bringing citizens together to enhance mobility and create healthier communities. This sounds like exactly the perfect fit for Fort Collins culture.
This particular event is hosted by FC Bikes and Create Places in Fort Collins along Ponderosa Drive and Hampshire Road. It features two miles of car-free roads for the day (emergency vehicles and residents are still allowed, though parking on the street during the day is discouraged), along with access to Rogers and Blevins Parks, live music from Indigenous Peoples, Los Mocochetes, and Colony Funk, and free activities for the family. If you and your family enjoy biking together, or want to start enjoying biking together, this is your chance to do it in a safe environment.
Ride the Route on Sunday, September 9th, from 10 AM to 3 PM. Be sure to check out the links below for details and route information. Check out the Facebook page for a full list of what you can expect to enjoy.
Don’t Forget the Older Family
When we talk about family fun, usually we imagine mom/stepmom, dad/stepdad, kids. But what about those individuals that brought up mom and dad in the first place?
Sunday, September 9th is Grandparent’s Day. So in honor of some of our oldest family members, the City of Fort Collins Recreator is hosting an event that day from 9 AM to 12 PM at the Fort Collins Senior Center.
Bring the whole family, grandparents included, for a mini carnival and activities, a pancake decorating station, a petting zoo (who doesn’t love that?), and bingo and prizes. There are tickets required for $4 at the Senior Center desk or by calling 970.221.6358. Tickets are not required for individuals over 50 years of age.
So bring the grand-rents and enjoy this fun party!
For more information about the hazardous waste event:
For FAQs on the waste event:
For the hazardous waste Facebook event page:
For more information about Open Streets (the overall project):
For more information about the event, including the Route:
For the Facebook page:
For Grandparent’s Day Information: